
Residents Visitors can alert Authorities about Broken Roads Obstacles on Streets via App

This new addition to the Dubai Now super app allows all community members to engage in the development of the city while going about their daily lives

Residents and visitors can take a photo of broken roads, fallen trees or any other obstacles and share it on the Dubai Now platform to inform the concerned departments, through a new service introduced on the app.

Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), Digital Dubai has introduced Madinati, which simplifies reporting unwanted objects on the roads or any other place across the city by allowing users to click a photo and share it with the authorities.

This new addition to the Dubai Now super app allows all community members to engage in the development of the city while going about their daily lives.

Residents Visitors can alert Authorities about Broken Roads Obstacles on Streets via App

“Madinati is a joint effort between Digital Dubai, Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and Dubai Municipality to provide a seamless experience for our people in the city. For example, if they found a broken road, a fallen tree or some other unwanted object, they can take a picture, and the AI system will detect it and understand the image and route it to RTA or Dubai Municipality,” said Matar Al Hemeiri, CEO, Digital Dubai.

In an interview with Khaleej Times, he said there would be no involvement of any individual from the departments.

“The only requirement from the person sharing content is to confirm the location, though the system can detect location also,” he added.

Madinati is one of 280 services from more than 45 entities, in both the private and government sector, that are available on the Dubai Now super app.

“We always look at how to leverage emerging technology to make a better experience for individuals – both residents and visitors,” Al Hemeiri added.

In addition, to better manage talent and employees in the government departments, Digital Dubai is also supporting new solutions which will further expedite the recruitment and training processes for the public sector entities.

Source: Khaleejtimes

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