
Nature’s Own Factory: The Superfood Buckwheat Tea

Nature’s Own Factory introduces the first product in their organic range of edibles: The Superfood Buckwheat Tea

Nature’s Own Factory introduces the new superfood – Buckwheat tea within their organic range of edibles offerings to the region. As consumption of caffeinated drinks continues to increase in the Middle East, Nature’s Own Factory presents a delicious,  caffeine-free option with its Buckwheat Tea, for the health-conscious tea enthusiasts.

The Buckwheat tea by Nature’s Own Factory is made of Tartar buckwheat seeds which are compressed into granules and fried, thus preserving its vital benefits. The nutritious tea is perfect for the tea lover, with its taste of smooth, delicate, and distinct flavor of scrumptious cookies.

Nutritionists across the globe highly regard the Tartar buckwheat, for its magnesium, iron and vitamin B1 and B2 content that supports the body and its metabolism function.

Nature’s Own Factory: The Superfood Buckwheat Tea

“There are a wide variety of benefits the buckwheat tea provides: it is rich in fiber which cleanses the body, removes toxins and excess fluid, normalizes pressure and digestion, and improves memory and sleep which revitalizes your lifestyle” Seda Khunkaeva, Co- Founder of Nature’s Own Factory.

Seeds of Tatar buckwheat can be brewed several times, while each time the drink will have a slightly new, but rich and sweet taste. The drink can be enjoyed hot or cold, with the addition of fruits and herbs, to suit every taste. As the drink is caffeine-free, the tea is safe for pregnant women and children to drink. Grown in the mountainous areas in Taiwan, the buckwheat tea is rich in vitamins. Nature’s Own Factory’s experts monitor the entire production process from when the seeds are collected to when they are roasted in order to preserve the maximum nutrients. Nature’s Own Factory is the only company in Russia with the right to sell and make products from this variety of Tartar buckwheat, and now the products are available to the health and wellness enthusiasts Middle East market. All buckwheat tea packets are accompanied with NON-GMO certificates.

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