Travel & Lifestyle

Tips to Care for your Breast Health and Find the Right Bra Fit with TKD Lingerie

Did you know that about 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size? Yes, you read that right and unfortunately, a bad fitting bra can have a negative impact on your body and cause major issues such as neck, shoulder and backache, poor posture, skin irritation caused by tight straps digging into your skin and even damage to Cooper’s ligaments which are responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of your breasts.

With breast cancer awareness month approaching, TKD Lingerie is keen on spreading the word about the importance of finding and achieving the right bra size to help every woman avoid  these uncalled for health issues, achieve a good posture and improved sillouette and care for your breasts.

Thus, here are a few useful tips from the bra fitting experts at TKD Lingerie to help you achieve the perfect fit and maintain healthy breasts:

1-Get your size checked by an expert everytime you buy a new bra!

You may have been measured in the past but it’s important to get your size checked by an expert every time you buy a new bra, as many factors can cause changes to your breast size and shape such as weight loss and gain, normal age changes, hormonal changes and pregnancy. Also, each bra fits differently depending on brand, materials and cut.

2-Ditch the tape measure!

A recent study by scientists at Portsmouth University showed that over three quarters of bra fittings using a tape measure gave the wrong size, as tape measure is not as stretchy as the bra material and it’s not possible to calculate the volume of your breasts using a tape measure. For example two women can have the same size but different breast shapes, and when using a tape measure the woman with fuller breasts would seem to have bigger size even though both women have the exact same size. Thus at TKD Lingerie, the bra fitting experts are trained to find your bra size by sight, which is a more accurate way of finding out the right bra fit for your breast shape and size.

3-Finding your actual fit

These are a few factors you should be looking at when trying to find out if your current bra is the right fit, according to TKD Lingerie’s experts. However, it’s highly recommended to contact the bra fitting team to advise on your actual size.

  1. The underband should be level all the way round your body. It should be firm enough to stay in place and not move when you are active.
  2. The underwire should sit flat against the chest at the front and sides. The underwire should fit the natural crease of the breast; not dig into or rest on the breast tissue.
  3. The cups should fully encase the breasts. There should be no bulging of the breast over the cups or any gaping in the cups.
  4. The straps should be secure but not digging into your shoulders. If you were to remove the bra straps, the bra should continue to support the breasts.

4-Bra fit if one breast is bigger than the other.

 It is important to always fit the bigger breast so that the wire encases it. If you fit to the smaller breast then the wire is likely to dig into the bigger side and it will cause bulging and discomfort. Also, tightening the straps on the smaller side will help you achieve the best fit.

5-Wear a sports bra when exercising.

Our breast ligaments are like elastic bands and once over stretched they will never go back to their original shape. Hence, It’s advised to invest in a good sports bra when engaging in any sort of exercise, as these will support breast ligaments and protect them from any damage. Also, TKD Lingerie stocks a wide range of reliable sports bra, which will give your breasts the support they need and flatter your figure at the same time.

So in summary, what are the benefits of wearing a correctly fitting bra?

·      Comfort – you won’t want to rip it off at the end of the day!

·      You will feel supported – and your ligaments will be protected – delaying that sagging!

·      The correct bra lifts the bust and reveals your waist– you can actually look a dress size smaller!

·      It creates a better posture and a smooth silhouette under clothing

·      Making you feel more confident

TKD Lingerie is located in Town Centre Jumeirah in Dubai and Mushrif Mall in Abu Dhabi and stock a wide range of lingerie, swimwear, . Visit to see the full range of collections on offer.

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