In Conversation With: Shelina Jokhiya, Founder of the DeCluttr Me and author of the book ‘Can you find it in five seconds?’

Shelina Jokhiya talks about the DeCluttr Me, her book and lots more exclusively with Dubai Diaries
The UAE is a hub for breakthrough entrepreneurship, and women are at the forefront of many successful ventures. In our latest series ‘In Conversation With’, Dubai Diaries talks to some of these amazing women who have changed the face of entrepreneurship with their unique business ideas and enduring will power and strength.
To kick off our series, we chatted with founder of DeCluttr Me and author of ‘Can you find it in five seconds’ Shelina Jokhiya. Here’s what she has to say about her unique business idea and why her book is a must read for all those looking to bring some organization into their homes and lives.
DubaiDiaries: What would you tell us about your leadership style and business philosophy?
Shelina Jokhiya: My business has been evolving over the years since it started in 2013, so I believe my leadership style and philosophy has been transformational. I have a passion to help, inspire, and motivate my team, clients and followers as their needs change.
DD: DeCluttr Me has made its mark. What and who is the force behind this from beginning until now? SJ: It has always been me. I came up with the idea many years before when I lived in London but at first I thought it was a crazy idea to organise people for a career. When I realised it was an actual industry in the USA and UK, I decided that I would bring it to the UAE and Middle East.
DD: DeCluttr Me began in 2013 and since then it has grown everyday – began as the first organizing service followed by a podcast and now the book “Can you find it in five seconds?” Did you at any time feel that this journey had its pressure on you?
SJ: I haven’t had pressure developing the business and getting to this point, the growth has been organic. I feel it was meant to be at the time it happened. However, there is always pressure to maintain the momentum and to have enough money to keep the business running, as well as to pay salaries. That pressure is still there.
DD: How easy is it for women in Dubai or the Middle East to start their own business ventures?
SJ: To start a business is relatively easy whatever your gender preference. There was no one saying I couldn’t do it because I was a woman, but I think that is due to the leadership in this country encouraging women to succeed. The administration side of starting a new business can be costly and onerous. Although there are signs it is improving, it still seems to be a difficult process for all entrepreneurs to deal with.
DD: You are an inspiration to many young women, what advice would you give to young women who are planning to start or have just started their business ventures?
SJ: Just do it. I left my high- paying job as a Solicitor to do this at 35 years old. I had to do it to save my mental health and it was the best decision I made. The road is not easy, it is not glamourous and anyone boasting on social media that it was so easy to make millions is most probably lying. You work every day and there is no time you really switch off, but if you love what you do and make money, just keep doing it.

DD: Tell us about your book ‘Can you find it in five seconds’? How do you think it will help readers bring some organization into their home and lives? Where can the book be found?
SJ: Based on individual episodes from the podcast, my book promises to help anyone streamline their belongings without feeling overwhelmed, and build the habits they need to stay organised for the long term. Book uses the simple and effective approach to start by looking at the different types of clutter and how to deal with them, then guides you through easy-to-implement strategies for bringing them under control. And don’t assume clutter is necessarily physical; even the digital disorder of constant notifications, app overload and overflowing email inboxes get taken care of. “Can you find it in five seconds?” is available to purchase on Amazon Kindle at $9.99 from 2 December 2021.