‘From automated government services to world-class infrastructure, UAE has paved a solid path towards a sound digital future’: Varuna Mehta Jagwani

Varuna Mehta Jagwani, Digital Marketing Consultant and Founder of Light Digital, advocates advancement of technology in the UAE

According to the UAE Digital Transformation Enablers Report 2021, the UAE has been ranked among the world’s best countries in government digital transformation. Fostering digital transformation enablers in key sectors like healthcare, education and telecommunications, UAE has launched initiatives for human, societal and economic growth.
The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), has long been empowering government entities and society throughout the process of digital transformation. UAE also launched initiatives like e-police on mobile, child digital safety, National Cyber security strategy 2019, Dubai Cyber Security strategy, etc. to lay grounds for proper data security.
UAE has also actively established training courses workshops and scholarships like Centre of Digital Innovation, The TRA’s Innovation Camp, etc. to develop digital skills. In addition, the UAE has also launched several successful initiatives in the field of digital government and smart cities. This also included adopting the Internet Protocol Version 6.0. Under UAE’s strategies of UAE Vision 2021 and UAE Centennial, digital transformation and growth of digital economy are the major pillars
With the upcoming Digital Transformation Summit 2022, UAE is all boost the pace of digital development. Under the theme “Decoding Barriers to Pave the Way for UAE’s Digital Future”, Digital Transformation Summit UAE is uniting UAE’s 200+ CTO’s, CIOs, CISOs, heads of digital transformation, IT infrastructure, cyber security, information and communication technologies and other experts in the domain.